Master To Do List of Doom

This is as much for me as you guys. I have tons of stuff I want to do, and I need to keep track of it someplace... so here it is in all it's scary glory: my shop to do list! If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to throw them out. I'm always open to new ideas!

  • list new original art on Wilde Designs - started
  • list magnets with prints and photos
  • post $1 jewelry deals on Wilde Designs - started
  • pick a few background colors for photos for each shop
  • retake shop photos as needed
  • put up new/retaken item photos
  • retouch prints and photos for sale
  • post retouched photos and prints
  • make new Wilde Designs product cards/tags
  • make new glass magnet sets
  • finish photographing vintage items for Tacky Fab
  • finish listing vintage items for Tacky Fab - started
  • make more sparkly resin hearts for Wilde Designs
  • make more duct tape wallets for Power Ups
  • make Punk Princess logo
  • put up more Barbie Murders collections
  • put up Vanishing Texas collections
  • put up more Baker Hotel shots
  • design & add more Wilde items to Wilde Designs
  • amend Power Ups item descriptions and keywords
  • amend Wilde Designs item descriptions and keywords - started
  • amend Tacky Fab item descriptions and keywords
  • try doing embroidery based on some of my illustrations 
  • poll buyers about print sizes & amend listings accordingly
  • design images and posters for the LOLtastic section of Power Ups - started
  • post LOLtastic designs - started


  1. Gee, you aren't busy or anything are you? LOL! I have a similar list but am ignoring it right now so I don't completely freak out.

  2. It makes me feel better to get it together. Then at least I have the satisfaction of ticking things off the list slowly but surely!

  3. Oh, geezie, Wilde. Now I feel like a serious slacker. But I love me a good To Do List!

  4. If it helps, MAB, it'll probably take me MONTHS to go through this one ;)


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