Manic Monday

First off? I have to correct my last week's Manic Monday since I incorrectly credited Victoria of Little Wren as also owning Balm Box. What I did, apparently, was mix up this week's feature, Indy Grrrl, who DOES also own Balm Box! lol Sorry for the confusion, guys. Afraid my copy and past skills failed me when I was getting my database together on the features :) But since I already covered Balm Box a bit last week, I'll be focusing on Indy Grrl Productions today -

Indy Grrl Productions

I had a RIDICULOUSLY difficult time choosing pieces to feature for this one. No, not because there wasn't much to choose from. In fact it was because I kinda fell in love with almost every single thing I saw. I also know that I'm giving an unfair amount of focus to her lovely necklaces when there are also in fact adorable earrings and other fun stuff in the shop.

Well, I can't help it. This shop features everything from super cute (like the bejeweled chocolate donut necklace above) to totally punk rock (like the awesome Debbie Harry necklace shown to the left).

Regardless of what floats your boat, if unusual is what you dig? You're going to find a lot of stuff to love at Indy Grrrl Productions. The visit is well worth it to savor all the colorful fun, and I can't wait to see what comes in the future!

Footnote: I'm a total sucker for sushi items. <3


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