How Do You Package?

I've been putting thought once again into how I send my items. In the past six months or so, I've made nice cards and tags for jewelry, and I've always used little "wraps" for the notecards. I always put in a business card or two and sometimes even a little notecard with a thank you depending on what I have on hand.

What do you send out when people order things from your Etsy shop, Artfire store, etc.? I don't want to add a lot of cost since most of my items don't sell for super high price tags anyway, but I'd love ideas on how to cheaply make things a little more special.

Just a note - the bracelet to the right is part of a set of three that is currently on clearance! Check it out!


  1. I do what you do... make a tag on my printer on nice paper, write a thank you note, but then almost all of my sales are <$10.

    Recently I did have one big sale, so I added a cheaper, but similarly themed item as a freebie (ornaments that I do a craft fairs, but don't have listed on etsy).

    A while back, I sort of came up in my head, any purchase over $XX, and I will give them either XX or YY depending on what they ordered.

  2. Oh, nice post! I did an entry about packaging my products a few months ago: Though I find that I change my methods often, though keep with the same color scheme!

  3. “I'd love ideas on how to cheaply make things a little more special.” – This is true! Taking this extra step can urge your clients to continue patronizing your products while offering you a platform where you can prove your commitment and passion to what you do. =)

    Jessie Henn

    1. Agreed - so far what I've done is adding some upcycled magazine "ribbon" to close up boxes and stickers with my logo to give it a more personalized feel.

  4. Packaging is very important for your products since it creates an identity of your items. I suggest that you stick on a packaging that's closely related to your product, but is uniquely designed so that you'll be known more. I hope that you already have a fully designed packaging by now. :)

    -- Humberto Decius

    1. I've got some nice things going - but I'm always happy to hear thoughts from others. It's inspirational :)


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