What can you expect here at Wilde Designs in the new year? Well, the shop will be moving to a whole new home - a stand alone site powered by Woocommerce! I'm hoping to launch that by February, but it may take extra time since, well, it's been a long time since I've managed my own site like that. No need to learn a new URL, though - even after the move, wildeshops.com will still get you where you want to be.
The geeky goods will remain the same. As of late this year, there are awesome things like notebooks that are only available from me in person at craft fairs and cons or through my VIP group on Facebook. If you aren't a member, sign up. You get previews as I work on new things and get to offer feedback long before anyone else gets a shot.
For the blog, I'm going to be switching up my scheduling. Tunes Tuesday will remain because, frankly, I love it. I'll also be offering some awesome FREE downloads (have any of you missed those Doctor Who bookmarks I used to sell?) as well as new DIY posts. Yes, I've missed those too. Thank you all for hanging in through a hectic year, and I can't wait to see you again in the new year to bring new fun and fabulousness into your Wilde life!
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