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When did you open your shop, and what inspired you to start selling?
I was inspired by glass. All sorts of glass. But, especially glass from depression era...milk glass and jadite. That inspiration lead to a class. That class lead to learning how to make lampwork (glass) beads. That turned into learning the art of jewelry making and perfecting the art of lampworking. And, soon I had more beads and jewelry then I knew what to do with, thus in June of 2011 I opened my Etsy shop perles de verre (pearls of glass). The shop only created more learning and inspiration. Learning about selling and inspiration from all the amazing artists, so today I am still trying to perfect the art of selling, and lampworking.
What is your current favorite item in your shop? Why? I love bracelets, and I love bracelets that jingle or move when you move. I wear bracelets everyday, everywhere I go and the more the better! So, my favorite items are always my charm bracelets.
I also love making charm bracelets because no two beads are ever alike in shape, color, design, or texture. Making charm bracelets is the highest level of creativity with out the design challenge of creating a balanced pattern.
What is your favorite quote?
I am an avid reader, so this is the toughest question in the world. My favorite quote about love, or life, or teaching, or art, or being a girl or the quote that makes me laugh out loud. But, if I can only choose one I default to: "Be in Love with your Life, Every Minute of It." -Jack Keourac I tell friends, family and my husband frequently how much ""I love my life"" every time something good happens, or in the quite moments, or in the hard ones just to remind us that we are lucky to be here.
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