Manic Monday: Shaina of Smree

Shaina of Smree
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My favorite item changes pretty frequently, but right now its this: 

Love Song Quilted Ball Ornament

I just recently learned to make these ornaments, and I love how fun and funky they are when you use bright colors and designs. This one is especially colorful, and I adore the combination of the blues and pink together!

I think inspiration can come from anywhere, anytime, anyplace, and I think it varies from day to day. One day a song on the radio will be the thing to inspire me to greatness, while another day it may be the way the sunlight hits the trees. I've been hit with some of my greatest ideas while doing something as mundane as blow-drying my hair. So its difficult to pin down what is most inspirational, when it changes so frequently! 

I believe its best if one just keeps looking and searching, because the inspiration is there - you just gotta find it!

"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - e.e. cummings

"Why fit in when you were born to stand out?" - Dr Seuss

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  1. Woo hoo! Thanks so much for the feature. I feel special now :)

  2. Thank you for your inspirational words, reminding me that we are all unique and have something unique to offer!

  3. Lovely Feature!

    Hopping in 4m the blog team:)

  4. I have made ornaments similar to this with ribbon, but not as detailed. Yours is beautiful. I also love the crochet hat.

  5. It is amazing how inspiration strikes! I really do love that ornament. Bright and colorful!

  6. Is it bad that I just now remembered to come back and check for more comments?

    Thank you all so much for your kind words! I truly appreciate them, even though I'm late in saying so! :)

  7. Not bad at all. It means that you're about the same place I am mentally ;)


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