Knitful Designs
Etsy | Blog | Site
What got you started with selling online? What inspired you to put yourself out there?
Well.... :) this is a hard question to answer because it's such a long story but i'd have to say my mom! She always wanted to teach me how to knit and crochet. I never wanted to because like most young children I had my mind set on other things, but later on in life I became so interested in the arts I just couldn't wait any longer. I begged her to teach me and together we decided to open a small shop on etsy :) I truly am addicted to etsy, that website is addicting!

What is your absolute favorite piece in your shop(s)?
OOO another toughy! Although I love them all my all time fave is the OOAK Morbid Pumpkin Pie Headband :) Its so unique and I love the contrast with my skin color and hair. And it reminds me of the holidays too.
What's the most important thing that you've learned through your experience selling and promoting yourself online?
I don’t consider my self “all learned up” quite yet, but one thing I’ve learned for sure is dedication. If your not dedicated to your shop, blog ect. Than you mot likely wont see results. I figured this out about 1 or 2 months after opening shop. For some odd reason I thought i'd have clients running to my store after listing my 1 item. To my dismay I only had 1 sale after 3 months of waiting. But it felt like I had conquered the world :) Just never give up and dedicate yourself entirely to promoting your stuff on facebook, twitter, blogs, etsy showcases, ect. :)
What is your favorite quote (funny, inspirational - anything!)?
Mmmm I'd have to say it's a quote my friend overused one summer before I moved away. I hated to hear him say it because it made me much more sad than it did cheerful, but I’ve come to love it and cherish it because of the memories it brings back.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened”
Etsy | Blog | Site
What got you started with selling online? What inspired you to put yourself out there?
Well.... :) this is a hard question to answer because it's such a long story but i'd have to say my mom! She always wanted to teach me how to knit and crochet. I never wanted to because like most young children I had my mind set on other things, but later on in life I became so interested in the arts I just couldn't wait any longer. I begged her to teach me and together we decided to open a small shop on etsy :) I truly am addicted to etsy, that website is addicting!

What is your absolute favorite piece in your shop(s)?
OOO another toughy! Although I love them all my all time fave is the OOAK Morbid Pumpkin Pie Headband :) Its so unique and I love the contrast with my skin color and hair. And it reminds me of the holidays too.
What's the most important thing that you've learned through your experience selling and promoting yourself online?
I don’t consider my self “all learned up” quite yet, but one thing I’ve learned for sure is dedication. If your not dedicated to your shop, blog ect. Than you mot likely wont see results. I figured this out about 1 or 2 months after opening shop. For some odd reason I thought i'd have clients running to my store after listing my 1 item. To my dismay I only had 1 sale after 3 months of waiting. But it felt like I had conquered the world :) Just never give up and dedicate yourself entirely to promoting your stuff on facebook, twitter, blogs, etsy showcases, ect. :)
What is your favorite quote (funny, inspirational - anything!)?
Mmmm I'd have to say it's a quote my friend overused one summer before I moved away. I hated to hear him say it because it made me much more sad than it did cheerful, but I’ve come to love it and cherish it because of the memories it brings back.
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened”
Oh the little pink hat is sooo cute! I wish I could wear it! : )