Marja Huhta
Etsy | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr
Today we are featuring Marja, otherwise known as the woman behind GlassElements on Etsy. This is one of those shops where you can get lost in the best of all possible ways. The color and vibrant color of the pieces is immediately eye catching. While glass work in and of itself may not be a rarity, the artists of Etsy always seem to manage to take it that extra step.
Marja's shop shows not only the usual color and smooth beauty common with glass pieces but a sense of fun and creativity in both shape and composition. The pieces in her shop range from upscale contemporary to just plain fun. I also have to add, as a graphic designer, that I absolutely adore how clean, readable, and attractive her header graphic is. Stop by and check out her work on Etsy, Flickr, or through her Facebook fan page (all listed at the top of this entry). I promise you won't be disappointed!
Etsy | Twitter | Facebook | Flickr

Thanks, Beth, for the lovely feature! I'm so honored. I'll let my design team (read: hubbie) know how much you like his banner design. He is my go-to guy for all non-glass design. :)
OOo, love the first one!